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Forum moderator: winwin_25, datatraveler, ezekiel  
HOT!!New Facebook Chat Interface.(try it now)
jepjepDate: Friday, 12/Jul/13, 9:44:24 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 75
Awards: 1
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Status: Offline
For Newbies and Members of symbianize that is longing to use a chat application in Facebook but at the same time using a OM browser here is a link to check out:
Pag tinatamad ka sa pag multi tasking ng applications pero mababa ram mo at isa lang kayang patakbuhing app at OM lang just click on that link and you will be able to chat Good and Neat parang IPHONE style..

Credits to Ianzee of Txtmyt..

You can't control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
Yiddish proverb
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