User Infraction system
The User Infraction system is designed to automate the management of misbehaving users.
Here are some infraction levels that we have right now (may vary in the future)...
Title Points Expires
Repeated Flooding, Multi-posting, or Spamming 1 1 Month
Repeated Avatar/Signature/Profile Picture Rule Violation 1 1 Month
Advertisement, Promotion, or Linking to a Site 1 1 Month
Similar to KP
Insults or Inappropriate Language/Behavior 2 1 Month
Posting Child Porn, Bestiality, or Malicious Softwares 2 1 Month
Each infraction level has an expiration period. When the infraction expires, the associated points are removed from the user's point total and the user's infraction groups are recalculated. If user is knowingly and deliberately violates our Forum Guidelines the Moderator may extend the infraction point to up to 4 points and expiration period to up to 12 months.
Infraction levels can also be allowed to be given as warnings. A warning does not add any infraction point to the user's point total. Warnings serve as a method to remind user's of our forum's rules and encourage them to be followed without awarding infraction points. Giving whether an infraction or a warning solely depends on Moderator's discretion. Usually warnings are for new members or lighter offense and infractions are for old members or heavier offense.
Accumulating 5 infraction points automatically suspends a user's account.